ConnectiveOne – bringing together people who are changing the world!

About the product

ConnectiveOne is an omnichannel communication AI platform that integrates all communication channels into a single operator panel, allows building unique self-service scenarios, sending trigger-based messages, and viewing custom statistics.

We are an international product collaborating with A-class clients in Ukraine, have received funding from Google, and are actively developing a global Go-To-Market strategy to expand into international markets.

Omnichannel Contact Center

We actively support innovation and growth: providing mentorship from leading industry experts, being actively involved in key industry and professional events, participating in accelerators, awards, and professional associations. We believe in the power of partnership, which is why we collaborate only with those who share our values and support our stance.

Together, we create technologies that change the world, and we do this with respect for our partners and love for our country.💙💛

Open positions

Your opportunity to unlock your potential!
Currently, there are 3 open positions.

Executive Operations Specialist

Remote / Visit the office at least 2-3 times a week

At ConnectiveOne, we are looking for an experienced technical leader and developer who will take responsibility for the product's development, become the driving force of the team, and a reliable support for the CTO. 🚀This role is for someone who doesn't just manage processes but is deeply immersed in technology, understands the real challenges of a startup - from working with limited resources to scaling. We are looking for someone who is ready to personally tackle critical and complex tasks while inspiring the team to grow. 💡Experience in startups, an experimental approach, independence, and a drive to build a development culture are key qualities for success in this role. We have no room for bureaucracy or empty promises—there's a lot of real work here, and the team's success directly depends on the effectiveness of each individual. 💪This person will become a key part of the team and will have the opportunity to influence both the product development and the overall growth of the company. 🔥Key requirements for the candidate🔹 Deep knowledge of Node.js, Vue.js/React.js, SQL, NoSQL🔹 Experience with service architecture, DevOps (CI/CD, Docker/Kubernetes), and cloud providers (AWS/GCP/Azure)🔹 Ability to quickly prototype and test technical hypotheses🔹 Experience in refactoring and modernizing projects without stopping product development🔹 Ability to balance between quick solutions and long-term stability🔹 Understanding of the product lifecycle, MVP, SLC, and rapid iterationsLeadership – the ability to inspire the team by example, justify your position, and listen to others🔹 Experience in solving startup and scale-up challenges under limited resources.🔹 Ability to visit the office in Kyiv at least 2-3 times a weekIf you're ready to take on this challenge, let's create something truly great together! 🚀

21 February 2025

Junior Node.js support engineer

Повна зайнятість. Досвід роботи від 1 року

Ми шукаємо Junior розробника, який вже зробив перші успішні кроки у роботі з Node.js та базами даних. Нас надихають кандидати, які мають реальний досвід у проектах: виконували фріланс-завдання, брали участь у хакатонах або кодинг-кампах, де могли проявити свої технічні навички й досягти конкретних результатів. Ми цінуємо ваше прагнення до розвитку і готові підтримати вас у наступних кроках до професійного зростання.

28 лютого 2025

Technical lead

Віддалено / Відвідувати офіс мінімум 2-3 рази на тиждень

Ми у ConnectiveOve шукаємо досвідченого технічного лідера та розробника, який візьме на себе відповідальність за розвиток продукту, стане рушійною силою команди та надійною опорою для CTO. 🚀
Ця роль для людини, яка не просто керує процесами, а глибоко занурена в технології, розуміє реальні виклики стартапу — від роботи в умовах обмежених ресурсів до масштабування. Ми шукаємо того, хто готовий особисто вирішувати критично важливі та складні завдання, а також надихати команду на зростання. 💡
Досвід роботи в стартапах, експериментальний підхід, самостійність і прагнення вибудовувати культуру розробки — ключові якості для успіху в цій ролі. У нас немає місця бюрократії та порожнім обіцянкам — тут багато реальної роботи, а успіх команди напряму залежить від ефективності кожного. 💪
Ця людина стане ключовою частиною команди та отримає можливість впливати як на розвиток продукту, так і на зростання компанії загалом. 🔥

Основні вимоги до кандидата
🔹 Глибокі знання Node.js, Vue.js/React.js, SQL, NoSQL
🔹 Досвід роботи з сервісною архітектурою, DevOps (CI/CD, Docker/Kubernetes), хмарними провайдерами (AWS/GCP/Azure)
🔹 Вміння швидко прототипувати та тестувати технічні гіпотези
🔹 Досвід рефакторингу та модернізації проєктів без зупинки розвитку продукту
🔹 Вміння балансувати між швидкими рішеннями та довгостроковою стабільністю
🔹 Розуміння життєвого циклу продукту, MVP, SLC, швидких ітерацій
🔹 Лідерство – вміння надихати команду своїм прикладом, аргументувати свою позицію та слухати інших
🔹 Досвід вирішення проблем стартапу та скейлапу в умовах обмежених ресурсів
🔹 Можливість відвідувати офіс у Києві мінімум 2-3 рази на тиждень.

Якщо ти готовий прийняти цей виклик, давай разом створювати щось справді велике! 🚀

21 лютого 2025

Business Development Manager


ConnectiveOne is looking for a Business Development Manager with experience in IT, strong knowledge in the field, and negotiation skills for dealing with top executives of companies.Business development manager з досвідом роботи в IT, що має ерудованість в IT та володіє навичками ведення переговорів з першими особами компаній.

26 December 2024

Our values


We value the courage to take action! Everyone on our team has the opportunity not only to propose ideas but also to bring them to life, solving the most challenging tasks. Initiative is the engine of progress, and we encourage those who are ready to drive the company forward.


We don’t wait for ideal conditions or ready-made solutions. We create them ourselves offering, acting, and implementing ideas to move the company forward and achieve results.


We see work not just as a set of tasks, but as an opportunity to influence the outcome. Each of us takes responsibility for our decisions, processes, and their impact on the team and the company.


We are not afraid to make tough decisions and move forward even in uncertainty. We test and use cutting-edge AI technologies to always stay at the forefront of innovation.


We work at a fast pace to stay one step ahead. The speed of our processes helps us efficiently implement ideas, shorten time-to-market, and deliver value to our clients as quickly as possible.

Technology and Innovation

We work with the latest technologies: AI (OpenAI stack, LLMs, NLP, ML), modern DevOps practices (CI/CD, clustering, monitoring). We support refactoring, technical initiatives, and are ready to transform Legacy systems for efficiency. Everyone has the opportunity to influence the product, architecture, and implement innovations together with a proactive team.

Your future team

avatar Sergíi Kravtsov

Sergiy Kravtsov



avatar Maria Kravtsova

Maria Kravtsova



Oleksandr Margolin



Oleksiy Kuprin

Head of sales and marketing


Danyl Korniliev

Lead of DevOps


Antonina Ovod

HR&Recruitment Lead


and over 40 other professionals in their field!

Do you have a question?

Interview stages

We value your time, so we are not fans of long and drawn-out processes. Our approach is transparency, speed, and efficiency

As a rule, the interview stages look like this:

  1. Skills Assessment
    At this stage, we get to know your experience, skills, and expectations to understand how well your competencies align with our needs.
  2. Interview with the recruiter
    A light and informal conversation where we will tell you more about the company, its culture, and discuss your career goals.
  3. Optional technical task (up to 2 hours)
    In some cases, we offer a small task that helps us better assess your technical skills. The task is designed not to take more than 2 hours of your time.
  4. Final interview
    A meeting with the leader or future manager, where we discuss work processes, expectations, and answer your questions.

Our process is an opportunity not only to showcase your skills but also to learn more about us. We strive to make this journey as comfortable and transparent as possible for you.

Types of employment

We strive to create comfortable working conditions for each employee, which is why we offer the opportunity to choose the employment format that suits you best:

  1. Office format
    For those who value in-person communication and a productive work atmosphere, we offer the modern, comfortable business space Creative States, where you can work in a pleasant environment and draw inspiration from your surroundings.
  2. Remote format
    If you find it more convenient to work from home or any other place with an internet connection, this is a great opportunity to stay productive while being where you feel your best.

Regardless of the work format, we all follow a unified schedule from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM with flexible lunch breaks. We work in close synergy, maintaining constant communication and moving together towards achieving our goals.


We know that the first days in a new company are crucial for your successful start, so we've made the onboarding process comfortable and transparent. Even before you start working, you'll have clear KPIs that will help you understand what to focus on.

During the onboarding process, you will regularly receive feedback, and we will be happy to hear your suggestions or questions. Our goal is not only to assess your progress but also to improve your experience.

We have prepared for you:

  1. Detailed information about the product for a quick dive into the project;
  2. An automated onboarding plan to easily master all processes;
  3. A support chat for quick answers to any questions.

Our onboarding is your quick start into the work rhythm and an opportunity to immediately feel part of the team. We're always here to support you!

Opportunities for development and growth

  1. Horizontal growth
    You can expand your skills by working on different tasks, projects, or even in new teams. We support transitions into adjacent roles, allowing you to try yourself in new areas such as project management, product management, or business analytics.
  2. Vertical growth
    If you're interested in leadership, you have the opportunity to become a team leader, technical expert, or manager. We are open to appointing individuals to leadership positions who are ready to take on more responsibility and influence the growth of the company.
  3. Realizing your own ideas
    If you have ideas for improving the product or processes, we will be happy to support your initiatives. You can become a driver of change and gain valuable experience in implementing your projects.

Your growth is in your hands, and we will provide all the necessary conditions for it: support, training, and development opportunities. We are invested in your long-term success because when you grow, the company grows too.

Together we create opportunities, together we grow!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

HR&Recruitment Lead Antonina Ovod

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