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Offices: Kyiv, Warsaw, London
Verify the age of bot users and confirm that they are real people
Allows age verification of users and confirmation of their authenticity using FaceID technology from Evergreen.
If your business requires mandatory identification when selling goods or services, integration with Face ID will become an indispensable tool for you
The system reduces manual labor and can verify the customer's identity by comparing a selfie with a photo on their documents.
Minimize gray schemes, fraud, and risks from dishonest employees.
Restrict access to 18+ content for underage users. Neural networks will determine the age of visitors and block access for those who appear too young.
The system can detect the "liveness" of a person by analyzing emotions and movements in the video. You have the ability to customize verification rules and control the results.
Remote identity verification, age confirmation, and client authenticity checks via Face ID technology provide a reliable and convenient solution for your business. The "Know Your Customer" approach (verifying clients before providing services) ensures secure transactions, enhances customer trust, and simplifies the registration process. Our AI platform offers flexible settings and can be easily integrated into any online service.
Check out the service demo and assess its capabilities
Since FaceID and ConnectiveOne are developed by our company Evergreen, we can adapt the recognition script to your needs. This allows us to create additional verification steps, implement document field recognition, and compare the client's selfie or video with their photo in the system or a specific database.
The AI platform works with photo and video data, setting verification conditions through gestures and emotions (for example: wink, smile, raise hand), as well as determining gender, age, race, and other characteristics. The flexibility of the scenarios is virtually limitless — it all depends on the needs of your business.
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